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How To Introduce Yourself When It's Your First Blog

Catch up with The Creative Copywriter.

Fiona wearing a white hat

Hey, I'm Fiona, aka The Creative Copywriter. I live in Leeds and have an 18 month old son called Ted.

So, Why a Copywriting Business?

I set up my business just over a year ago now. I had been made redundant in the pandemic, I was on maternity leave AND I was dealing with postnatal depression(PND)...

Did you know around 1 in 10 mothers develop PND in the first year after birth?*

I didn't know that. I felt like I was the only one. I'm sure I will talk more about it in future blogs, but for now, let's just say it was the beginning of a long, arduous journey in trying to find my true authentic self again.


I had been a curator in art galleries and museums for nearly 9 years. The job meant I spent a lot of time creating words to motivate, inspire and engage audiences. There were interpretation panels to write, object labels, signage, leaflets, guide books, website content, social media posts, press releases, academic articles. The list was long but meant I had many years of experience writing to target specific audiences.

Copyright: ©2019 Charlotte Graham- CAG Photography

After changing everything else in my life with my PND (which people say you shouldn't do, but I couldn't disagree more), I was reunited with my old best friend from high school, Stacey. A woman who lifted me, inspired me and helped me to find potential and self-worth again. She just happened to be a Life & Business Coach and then became my first ever client. You can find more here if you ever feel in need of her services.

I transferred my skills to write what was essentially direct response copy in museums for people's businesses instead. I bloody love it! Now I work specifically for female coaches, consultants or service providers to craft compelling copy that converts their audience into buyers, growing their revenue and upleveling their business.


It has taken me over a year to write my first blog. Something I had wanted to do as part of my business since it began. I mean, I do love words!!


Fear probably. Fear of telling my story. Fear of sharing my copy advice. Fear of judgement.

But not only has my business grown over the past year but I have as a person too. My whole business is now shaped around the art of storytelling. I am not just any copywriter. I am The Creative Copywriter.

It's nice to meet you. I would love to hear about your business start-up story, if you don't fear sharing it?

Or, feel the fear and do it anyway.

Love, Fiona x

P.S If you want to get to know each other more, follow me on my socials...

*Postnatal Depression Leaflet - Find Out More Here

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