If you’re an entrepreneur in the digital world, then there’s no doubt you’ve heard of, seen, and probably thought about doing a launch of your own.
And I bet it feels bloody terrifying.
There’s a lot to think about when launching a new course, digital product, mastermind, or service. It feels like there are a million moving pieces.
But, lucky for you, this is what I do for a living…
…you might even call me a bit of an experienced veteran when it comes to launches.
So, I’m going to lift the launch curtain and break it down for you step by step.
This is my take, a copywriter's guide to online launches...
In no time, you’ll be a launching queen.
What is a Launch?
A digital launch is a planned and strategic introduction of a new offering in the online space.
It’s a carefully thought-out series of steps designed to create buzz, anticipation, and engagement around a new product.
Because when enough intrigue is built, excited customers are ready to buy the moment a new product is available…and that means huge satisfaction for them as well as more money in your pocket.
So, what should you create a launch plan for?
If you’re in the business of offering digital or service-based products like online courses, membership sites, mastermind groups, or digital products, then a launch plan and execution is right for you.
What do you need to think about before prepping a launch?
Before a launch, you’ll need a clear picture of what your product is, how it serves your ideal customer, and what your sales strategy is.
You’ll also need to have the product ready, or (at the very least) a strict deadline for it to be finished and up for sale by your launch date.
A stellar launch can take anywhere from a week to a few months depending on your current customer reach.
That is: if you already have loads of raving fans on your email list, you can probably plan for a week of sales emails that tease your new product and link to your offering.
If you’re new to the launching scene, be sure to add in some time to nurture and build your audience first. This could take the form of a social media campaign, lives on your social media and value-filled emails. This is also where your [free] lead magnet comes in (more on that later.)
We like to buy from people we know and trust.
5 Steps to Launch: A copywriter's guide to online launches
Now that you’re familiar with what a launch is and you’re ready to have one of your very own, let’s break it down, step by step.
These 5 steps to launch are the basics.
Step 1: Visualise and Define Your Launch
Before you dive into the details and deadlines of your launch, take a moment to define what this launch means for you.
This is huge!
Anytime you’re introducing a new offering to the world, you’re taking a massive step for your business.
And I know that can be scary.
So, is this a brand-new product or service? Is it a revamp or a relaunch?
Clearly lay out your goals, target audience, and unique value proposition.
What sets you apart from all the other digital products and launches out there?
Who needs what you’re offering with this launch?
How many units or places do you want to sell during your launch?
How much money do you want to make?
Once you’re crystal clear on the foundation, you can start building your launch!
Step 2: Create a Converting Sales Page
Your sales page is like the headline act of your digital premiere.
It’s where your ideal customer will come to find the details of what you’re offering and make a decision to buy…this page is key for your sales!
Even though it’s presented at the end of your launch, I find that writing a sales page can bring clarity to what the offer is, which is why I’ve put it first.
Plus, once you’ve created your sales page, you’ll have a better idea of what to offer as your free lead magnet (Step 3), because the value that you give to start your customer’s journey needs to relate to what the final sell is.
Sales pages should clearly highlight the key features, benefits, and outcomes of your offer.
Tell your readers what’s in it for them.
What problem is your product fixing for them?
How will it help them get closer to their own goals?
And a sales page should include a compelling Call to Action, telling your customers exactly what you want them to do next.
Make it all visually appealing and easy to read.
Paint a picture of what customers are getting when they buy—what their life will look like before and after.
Tapping into their emotions is key to making your sales page, converting!
Step 3: Build Out Your Funnel
People can get freaked out when they hear the word funnel... but it's just a journey that you take your potential customer on...
It is, however, the backbone of your digital launch strategy.
Map out the pathway your potential customers will take as they learn about you, what you do, how you can help and then (hopefully) buy your product.
This is my favourite part!
First, plan a sequence of steps to get leads, nurture those leads, build trust, and then convert those leads into paying customers.
A basic plan could be to start with free content, like a series of social media posts or lives that offer value and info relating to what you’re going to launch.
A free webinar or masterclass is a great first step to get new eyes on you and your services.
Whatever your lead magnet is, be sure that it captures email addresses from those who engage.
Then decide how you’ll nurture those leads.
Usually, email sequences work best here. You’ll want to send out great content that engages and builds trust with your new subscribers.
Plan your funnel to keep up momentum and excitement.
And know exactly how your new customers will journey through it to eventually end up on your sales page.
Step 4: Write Your Email Sequences

This is your powerhouse!
Emails are still the most effective route to a successful launch.
With new leads in your funnel, you can start sending a series of emails designed to slowly introduce your launch.
Plan out and write 3 to 12 emails that will hit inboxes every day leading up to launch day.
Start your emails off slowly…build interest before you explain your offering.
Use a conversational tone, like you’re talking to a friend, as you enter their lives every day to give them pieces of your story that build and build until you unveil that you have the perfect thing for them.
Once you introduce your offering, link to your sales page.
Then send a couple of emails over the next few days outlining all the benefits they get when they purchase. Remind them daily through their inbox that the cart will open and close on specific dates.
Get them hooked and excited - thinking about their lives with your product!
Step 5: Plan a Launch-Day Celebration!
The big day is when your new offering gets to shine!
On the day your cart opens, engage with your ideal customers.
Give live updates or do a livestream announcing that the doors are opening.
Create urgency as you explain when the doors will close.
Show them testimonials and results from beta testers or previous clients.
Create energy around what you’re selling and get excited yourself!
You’ve made it to the big day!
Post-Launch Plan
The truth is that not all launches are successful…but they are ALL valuable.
It doesn’t matter how many people you have in your pipeline—there are some launches that just sort of tank.
But the data and information you get from the launch are key to being successful the next time around.
After you launch, whether you’ve hit your goals or not, take time to evaluate what worked and what needs to be tweaked.
One of the biggest reasons I see that is that the messaging isn't clear and consistent throughout the launch. Remember your words matter!
Then, when you’re ready, try it again.
I promise it will get easier and more successful each time!
Hope my copywriter's guide to online launches was useful...
If you want a [free] helping hand then I've got the first stage of your launch covered...
You can download my free lead generation templates to write an opt-in landing page for your lead magnet, thank you page and opt-in email sequence - just copy, paste, tweak & your good to go!
I've included step-by-step instructions to help too.